The production and certification of these materials to the highest metrological standards is carried out by the IAG Certification Committee according to the IAG Certification Procotol [1, 2], which takes account of ISO Guides 34 and 35.

Because of the variety of composition of geological materials, the Certification Committee of the IAG places great emphasis on the qualifications of the laboratories supplying data for each certification exercise. They are selected on the basis of their performance in the IAG’s GeoPT proficiency testing programme. Only experienced laboratories that achieve outstanding results for a GeoPT material of the same or similar matrix are invited to contribute data for the assignment of the final certified values and calculation of measurement uncertainty.

Purchase Code Name Material Certificate *Price
IAG CRM-1 OU-6 Penrhyn Slate OU-6 CoA 150 GBP
IAG CRM-2 MGL-GAS Serpentinite GAS CoA 150 GBP
IAG CRM-3 MGL-OShBO Alkaline Granite OShBO CoA 150 GBP
IAG CRM-4 OKUM Komatiite Ontario OKUM CoA 150 GBP
IAG CRM-5 MUH-1 Harzburgite Kraubath MUH-1 CoA 150 GBP
IAG CRM-6 MGL-MRH-1 Rhyolite MRH-1 CoA 150 GBP
IAG CRM-7 MGL-MTA-1 Trachyandesite MTA-1 CoA 150 GBP
IAG CRM-8 MGL-ML-3 Limestone ML-3 CoA 150 GBP
IAG CRM-9 GMN-1 Meissen Granite GMN-1 CoA 150 GBP
*discount available to IAG members

1. J.S. Kane, P.J. Potts, M. Wiedenbeck, J. Carignan and S. Wilson (2003). International Association of Geoanalysts’ protocol for the certification of geological and environmental reference materials. Geostandards Newsletter: The Journal of Geostandards and Geoanalysis, 27, 227-244

2. J.S. Kane, P.J. Potts, T. Meisel and M. Wiedenbeck (2007). International Association of Geoanalysts’ protocol for the certification of geological and environmental reference materials: a supplement. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 31, 285-288